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The Wigglian Way Pagan Podcast

Jun 28, 2007 The Wigglian Way, Episode 11. Thanks for downloading the show. Tonight, Sparrow and Mojo talk about sore backs and some of our up coming festival plans. We also discuss the Wiccan Rede - a code to live by, or just a little catch phrase? - you decide.

Tonight we hear from Fritz Jung with "Starwood" and...

Jun 13, 2007

We're baaaccckkkk!!!!! Thanks for downloading Episode 10 of The Wigglian Way. Sparrow's back is still hurting, but she made it to the studio. Tonight, we talk about the upcoming sabbat, Midsummer. We also discuss some of our daily practices and what it means to be 'working partners'.

Tonight we have an all Canadian...

Awaiting Episode 10

Jun 5, 2007

 Hello my fellow Wigglians! Just wanted to give everyone a quick update on what's happening. As you know, a little while ago, Sparrow hurt her back at work, well she's re-aggravated it and we weren't able to record on our scheduled Monday, so we tried for yesterday, but unfortunately Sparrow's back hasn't gotten...