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The Wigglian Way Pagan Podcast

Dec 30, 2009


It's the end of the decade as we know it and we feel fine!!! OK OK, so maybe the end of the decade for you isn't till next year, in that case, we'll celebrate it again next year, just for you!

Thank you so much for downloading the show, spending a little time with us during this busy season is truly a blessing to...

Dec 9, 2009

>Well well well, look who's back! That's right, H1N1, hard drive crash be damned, it's us and we're back for Episode 61, thank you so much for downloading the show.

Tonight, Mojo begins his look at the four basic male Archetypes starting with The Warrior. Warriors, come out to play-ee-yay. Sparrow has a Yuletide tale...