Aug 21, 2007
Hail Wigglians!!!
We're back home, safe and sound from DFest. What a trip! Great
weather, great people, great festival. We hope that you had a great
time while we were away.
Tonight all the talk is about DFest, as you might guess. We also
experimented with a new feature "On the Road" where we recorded
while driving...
Aug 3, 2007
Hey everyone,
I'm leaving in just a couple of minutes for GFLOE then on Monday, I
pick up Sparrow and we're off to DFest. Just wanted to let everyone
know that all of us here at The Wigglian Way are blown away by the
support that we have received since we started the show. Thank you
very much for listening and taking...
Aug 2, 2007
Welcome to The Wigglian Way, Episode 13. We're really glad that you
are here and hope that you enjoy the show.
The countdown to DFest is on, less than a week to go! Tonight we
talk a little more about DFest, Harry Potter, and we also go over
the Witches' Pyramid.
Musically tonight, we hear "Corn Rigs" from The Wicker...