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The Wigglian Way Pagan Podcast

Different Trad. Info Links

Jun 26, 2008

Almost forgot the list of traditions links to WitchVox and Wiccan Web, a day late but better than never.....

Jun 25, 2008

Hail and welcome, Wigglians, to Episode 33. Thank you so much for dropping by.

Tonight we have our good friend Jamie;(; in the Wigglian Studio and we talk about his 18ish years on the path and about Star Sapphire, the tradition that he has been with the entire time.

Musically we hear from

Jun 11, 2008

Hail and welcome to Episode 32. We are ever so happy that you have joined us. Tonight, we have our Trad-mate, Stephen, in the Wigglian environment  and we talk about being gay in today's Craft.

A musical cornucopia of styles tonight. We turn it up for break 1 with Iron Maiden and some live Powerslave, (whom I recently...